With the current era of information, it is safe to say, products need to be kept in consumers’ mind every second. Be that by the means of hoardings or advertisements. But with current digital platforms, it’s imperative to mold with the world. Product ads need to be more creative & appealing to the target audience. Sometimes a short story might leave a greater impact rather than a complete report of the product. We, at Purple flicks can help you filming & portraying your product in the most aesthetically pleasing way.
Ad film is a way to put your product in a correct perspective with your target audience. For a sports shoe it needs to be on some youngsters who are running around & not some senior citizen. Any new brand can get the focus of the audience with proper advertisement. & not only new brands but well-established brands can also use ad films to grow their market value with new products.
Let’s remember this wonderful ad of Good-day cookies. It will bring a smile on your face which is how they portray the product. It shows a good story with cute moments & innocence, making the audience relate with it while still showing children eating the cookies with a smile.
While ad films are mostly audience targeted, you might sometimes need something more formal, more sophisticated. You don’t need to concern yourself when Purple Flicks can make sure you have all of your needs met with best standards. Instead of generalizing the product/brand, it can be converted to the infographic way, creating a corporate film. Corporate film can be anything from product review listing features or including employee experience & manufacturing process & many such things.
Sometimes a good corporate film can still be considered as an ad film. It depends on the brand & the target audience. The best example would be Kerala or Gujarat tourism video which were aired on television. While showing the best places of the states, they were still enticing. Whereas corporate films can be reused in various official meetings like investors, ad films give a lot of options to make it more captivating for the audience, like adding jingles, background voices, comedic relief & adding current sensitive/popular matters. At the end, it matters what will provide more progress for your company where Purple Flick’s best of the lot producers, directors & script writers will be always on hand to make your goals come to fruition.
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